They have learned about the culture, environment, religion, and struggles of these Bangladeshi students and taught them about their unique NYC lives in the United States. After developing a relationship over the school year, every June the students meet and speak to their friends on the other side of the world via video chat.
The Churchill students, faculty, and families additionally hold fundraisers for our friends at the Lokhipur School. We've organized clothing collections, annual bake sales and coin drives/donations to send to our friends. 100% of the funds raised are used to purchase books, school supplies, computers, and other necessary learning tools to further the ISLearning mission!
The Churchill and Lokhipur faculty are the key reasons the ISLearning program continues to grow. With the support of these teachers, the students are able to connect through letters and technology. The teachers guide, educate, and support the students to help them develop and better understand the uniqueness of people throughout the world. These education and fundraising efforts help shrink the global gap.
The ISLearning Churchill Chapter wouldn't be possible without the support of our High School Reps. These students were part of ISLearning in 8th grade and decided to offer their time and energy to keep the program strong after entering high school. Thank you Team!!!
Read on for all the most recent activities we've been up to at the Churchill/Lokhipur chapter!