Since our first fundraiser in 2017, we have hosted the following fundraiser events:
1. In 2017, held at Symbio Physiotherapy, where discounts and donations were provided by Just Salad, Panera Bread, High Hook Vineyards, McAdam Buy Rite, Kiehl's, Arbonne International, and Symbio Physiotherapy.
2. In 2018, Symbio Physiotherapy was kind enough to donate their space for a second time, where Three Tiers Bakery, Just Salad, Panera Bread, Arbonne International, McAdam Buy Rite, Kiehl's, and Symbio Physiotherapy supported us to make it a huge success! Matthew Westerby Company offered some amazing performances.
In addition to events, our friends and partners have helped us raise funds through:
1. Facebook Birthday Fundraisers
2. NYC Marathon Fundraiser by Ross Michael Cellino III in 2018 & 2019
Each year, the Churchill School students host the following fundraising events:
1. Annual bake sales in 2014 - 2019
2. Coin drive fundraisers in 2018 & 2019
3. Basketball game fundraiser in 2017